Squash | Stoney Brook Farms I
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Learn about the different types of squash we grow and have available at our Harvest Fun Days and pumpkin patch!

delicata squash


Elongated shape, cream-like background with green flecks and stripes.

Nutty, buttery, sweet flavor, moist texture.

Recommended for stuffing, baking


Sweet Dumpling

Acorn shaped, unusually colored with oranges, greens, creams.

Smooth, creamy texture with a sweet and nutty flavor.

Try cutting in half, stuffing both halves and roasting in oven. Also great in soup.

acorn squash


Dark green with spots of oranges and yellows, deep ribbing.

Sweet, nutty, mild in flavor.

Great roasted in the oven. Pairs well with maple syrup and bacon!


spaghetti squash


Oblong shape, bright to dull yellow in color.

Slightly sweet, savory, nutty flavor. "Strands" have crunchy texture.

Can be stored for several months.

Best roasted in the oven.


butternut squash


Long with thick cylindrical necks, peach in color.

Slightly sweet, nutty flavor, buttery texture.

Great for soups, roasting.

buttercup squash


Blocky, dark green color with "button" at the blossom end.

Sweet, creamy taste. Similar to acorn but sweeter.

Recommend roasting, soups.

delicata squash


Elongated shape, cream colored with green flecks and stripes.

Nutty, sweet flavor.

Recommended for stuffing or baking.

carnival squash


Hybrid acorn squash.

Round shaped, deep ribbing with shades of green, yellow and gold flecks.

Subtle sweet, nutty flavor.

Great in stews, curries, soups.

turks turban squash

Turks Turban

"Turban" shaped, bright orange-red color with spots of greens, white and oranges.

Sweet, nutty, mild hazelnut-like taste.

Recommended roasting, steaming, baking or pureeing.

ambercup squash


Similar looking to a pumpkin with light colored veining.

Very sweet, smooth texture. Similar to Buttercup. 

Great baked in the oven.

hubbard squash


large, long shaped, bumpy texture and blue-gray in color. 

Sweet, rich, buttery flavor. Texture can be a bit grainy.

Perfect for baking, purees and soups.

gourds decorations


Swan necks, apples and caveman clubs.

Such fun additions to your displays!

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