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Green Beans

A little about green beans...

Green beans originated nearly 8,000 years ago in the Andes in South America in the Mesoamerican area of Central America.

They have been grown in Mexico and Peru for millennia.

Christopher Columbus brought green beans with him to Europe following his second voyage in 1493.

Prior to the 17th century, green beans would have been stringy and tough, often grown for ornamental purposes than food. Cross breeding with different varieties, and by 1889, the stringless bean was created.

Green beans were not popular until the creation of canneries and home freezers in the 19th and 20th centuries. 

The pole bean was created in 1877.



Green beans are a member of the plant family, Fabaceae. This family also includes chickpeas, legume, pea, and peanuts.

Beans are botanically classified as a fruit! as they grow from a flowering plant and contain seeds.

Green beans, also called string beans or snap beans because of the fibrous string that runs along the seam of the bean. 

Green beans are said to be the third most popular backyard garden vegetable, following tomatoes and peppers.

There are two main types of green beans; pole beans and bush beans. Pole beans require a trellis and grow like a vine. Bush beans spread wide, not requiring support. There are many different colors (over 150 varieties) of beans, ranging from green, gold, red or purple.

One bean plant can produce between six to nine quarts of beans! 

​The last Saturday in July, Blairsville, Georgia holds an annual Green Bean Festival!

The best tasting green bean is said to be when they are the size thinner than a pencil.

World records for green beans:

Largest green bean casserole was1,009 pounds (457.674kg) made by Green Giant in 2019 in NYC. It was donated to charity after it's official weigh in, feeding over 3,000 people in need.

Longest green bean measured at 48.75 inches (121.9cm) grown in North Carolina in 1996.

Heaviest bean runner weighed 6.9oz (196 grams) in the UK in 2023.

Health Benefits

Green beans contain no cholesterol, no fat, and no sodium. Low in calories.

Great source of fiber, manganese, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and protein.

Rich in vitamin C, K, A, beta-carotene, and folate.

Helps maintain cell and body fluid, prevent infection, help control cardiovascular diseases, heart healthy, helps strengthen connective tissue in the body, and promotes healthy digestion.

Increase energy levels, aids in detoxification, is an anti-inflammatory, support healthy immune system, and protects the body from free radicals.

Promotes healthy hair, skin, nails, and bones. 

Add some green beans to your diet!

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